Sarah Banks Hogg, a 2013 graduate from Georgia Tech, reflects on the value of a debt-free college experience, a privilege she enjoyed because of the G. Wayne Clough Georgia Tech Promise Program.
Revisiting a Promise Fulfilled

Sarah Banks Hogg, a 2013 graduate from Georgia Tech, reflects on the value of a debt-free college experience, a privilege she enjoyed because of the G. Wayne Clough Georgia Tech Promise Program.
Corey Crisostomo served as a United States Army medic for seven years. During that time, he cultivated a love for engineering that brought him to Georgia Tech. For Veterans Day, we celebrate his time in the military and his path since.
Georgia Tech is now accepting applications for campus tour guides for Spring 2024. Georgia Tech tour campus tour guides are current students who provide prospective students and their families with an informative and engaging visit around campus. Applications for tours guides will close at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, October 23, 2023. Being a campus tour […]
Nearly 23% of the 2023 incoming class at Georgia Tech represents transfer students, so we’re highlighting a couple of them to mark National Transfer Student Week.
Tyler Ma and Jeff Mao, co-founders of SellRaze, transferred to Georgia Tech in pursuit of a driven college environment that would help them develop their startup. Now winners of the InVenture Prize, they reflect on their time at Tech and share student tips.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid — commonly known as FAFSA — has undergone significant changes and will be released in December 2023, two months later than in years past. To maximize their opportunity to secure need-based aid, students should start their financial aid process as soon as possible by completing the GT Application for Scholarships and Financial Aid, which is available now.