Scholars Weekend Welcomes Top Students to Tech

The annual Stamps Scholars Weekend brought students and their families to campus to learn more about the Institute and participate in the conclusive round of interviews to identify Stamps President’s and Gold Scholars.

On March 8 and 9, over 100 admitted students attended Stamps Scholars Weekend.

On March 8 and 9, the Office of Special Scholarships invited 108 admitted first-year undergraduate students to Stamps Scholars Weekend, a celebration of these students and their accomplishments. 

A portion of this weekend involved interviews as part of the final selection process for the Stamps President’s Scholarship and the Gold Scholarship programs. These scholarships are awarded to the top 1-2% of each admitted class. 

“This is a highly competitive scholarship process and the students invited to Stamps Scholars Weekend are truly exceptional,” said Chaffee Viets, director of the Office of Special Scholarships. “Through multiple rounds of review, they’ve showcased not just their academic excellence, but also genuine curiosity and a commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Reaching this stage in the scholarship selection process is a significant achievement, and it’s an honor to recognize their accomplishments and celebrate their journeys during Stamps Scholars Weekend.” 

The Stamps President’s Scholarship Program provides a full ride to cover tuition, fees, housing, a meal plan, books, academic supplies, and a stipend for first-year students to purchase a laptop. In addition to covering immediate education expenses, the program also provides enrichment funds, faculty guide mentorship, annual cohort retreats, access to the nationwide Stamps Scholars Program network, and more resources for personal and professional development. 

This year, 50 of the scholars attending Scholars Weekend will receive the Stamps President’s Scholarship. This marks an increase of 10 spots from previous years thanks to the generous philanthropy of E. Roe Stamps IV. The remaining attendees will receive the Gold Scholarship. 

The Gold Scholarship award varies by residency, with Georgia residents receiving a tuition, fees, and books scholarship, and non-residents receiving an out of state tuition waiver. 

Both programs go above and beyond to support scholars and provide a close-knit community for students to thrive in.  

Stamps Scholars Weekend allows students to learn more about Tech and for the scholarships team to determine which program is the best fit for each student.  

On Friday, students connected with other scholars, toured campus, met a current Tech student to serve as their host, and attended a celebration banquet.  

On Saturday, alumni, faculty, and staff interviewed students for characteristics of scholarship, leadership, progress, and service, which act as the pillars of the two scholarship programs. To conclude the weekend, students had the opportunity to take photos with Buzz and the Ramblin’ Wreck. 

“Since 2016, Stamps Scholars Weekend has stood out as a highlight in our selection and recruitment process,” said Christal Dimas, associate director of the Office of Special Scholarships. “By extending invitations to these exceptionally talented individuals, we provide them with the chance to envision themselves as part of the Yellow Jacket family, while giving us a deeper understanding of who they are beyond their applications. This weekend also serves as a way to engage various stakeholders, including parents, faculty members, campus partners, current students and staff, in meaningful interactions with these prospective scholars. It’s an amazing weekend to be a part of!” 

Decisions will be announced Friday, March 15.  

Georgia Tech Extends First-Year Deposit Deadline to May 15 for Georgia Students

The enrollment deposit deadline for incoming first-year Georgia students is now May 15. The deadline for non-Georgia students remains May 1.

Tech Tower

Georgia Tech has extended the first-year enrollment deposit deadline this year for Georgia students from May 1 to May 15. Students who attend high school in Georgia or have been classified as a Georgia resident for tuition purposes may take advantage of this extension. 

The extension is designed to provide Georgia students and families additional time to evaluate financial aid offers from other colleges where they have been admitted.

“Choosing a college is one of the biggest and most exciting moments for these students and their families,” said Steve McLaughlin, provost and executive vice president for Academic Affairs. “They need a full financial picture to make such an important life decision. This extension will help Georgia students make an informed decision on their commitment.”

The Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid plans to release estimated financial aid notifications in the coming weeks to students who completed their financial aid applications by the priority deadline.

Current and prospective students alike should complete the shortened, simplified 2024-25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which is now available, if they have not yet done so. While the priority deadline for institutional aid has passed, applications are still being accepted and used to evaluate students wishing to apply for need-based aid.

“The updated FAFSA is designed to ease the process for students and families navigating the financial aid application process,” said Paul Kohn, vice provost for Enrollment Management at Georgia Tech. “Unfortunately, the changes to the form and timeline have created challenges with the transmission of FAFSA data to universities and, undeniably, posed challenges for many.”

While Georgia students have a new deposit deadline of May 15, the enrollment deposit deadline for non-Georgia students remains May 1. Extensions beyond a student’s deadline will be considered if space remains in the first-year class.

This deadline extension is a one-time measure for the 2024 admitted first-year class. Upcoming deposit deadlines for transfer students have not changed.

For student perspectives and more information on financing a Georgia Tech degree, visit our website.

Stamps President’s Scholars Program Expands to Welcome 10 Additional Exceptional Students

The Stamps President’s Scholars Program will add 10 spots to the prestigious program beginning in the 2024-25 academic year, thanks to generous philanthropy from E. Roe Stamps IV.

A group of students and staff stand on a mountain top all wearing turquoise 'Tech Trek' shirts. They are holding a flag that reads 'Georgia Tech Stamps President's Scholars'
Stamps President’s Scholars and staff on the annual outdoor leadership ‘Tech Trek,’ which has visited locations such as Banff National Park, Belize, Alaska, and beyond.

In a testament to its commitment to fostering academic excellence and cultivating future leaders at Georgia Tech, the Stamps President’s Scholars Program will expand in the upcoming academic year. Thanks to the generous philanthropy of E. Roe Stamps IV, the program will support 10 additional students, increasing future cohorts from 40 to 50 outstanding scholars.

“These 10 additional spots will undoubtedly attract even more high-achieving students to the Institute,” said Chaffee Viets, director of the Office of Special Scholarships. “Dr. Stamps’ philanthropy ensures that the program’s impact will endure, continuing to support scholars working on medical research, humanitarian support, ethical AI development, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy.”

The Stamps President’s Scholars Program provides a full ride to cover tuition, fees, housing, a meal plan, books, academic supplies, and a stipend for first-year students to purchase a laptop. In addition to covering immediate education expenses, the program also provides enrichment funds, faculty guide mentorship, annual cohort retreats, access to the nationwide Stamps Scholars Program network, and more resources for personal and professional development.

The Office of Special Scholarships selects Stamps President’s Scholars before they begin their first year at Georgia Tech. Scholars are identified from their undergraduate application for first-year admission and follow-up interviews.

Stamps President’s Scholar and fourth-year biomedical engineering student Haaris Jilani describes the program as instrumental in navigating his undergraduate journey and becoming a well-rounded individual.

“It allows me to get out of my sphere and be with more than just my immediate peers in biomedical engineering,” said Jilani. “I get to speak with people at the top of their fields from diverse backgrounds and get new perspectives on my work. It’s a testament to the mentoring provided by the program.”

Jilani first became passionate about conducting research when he was 15 years old. Though he’s covered a variety of different subjects, he started to focus on stem cell research upon his arrival at Georgia Tech. In addition to using the network provided by the Stamps Scholars Program to broaden his horizons, Jilani uses the program’s enrichment funding to attend conferences and connect with professionals in his field.

Outside of research and the classroom, Jilani enjoys his involvement in the Muslim Student Association, where he connects with other members of his religion on campus and engages with advocacy efforts. He has also started an educational outreach program, teaching science-related topics in Atlanta-area schools, an endeavor that affords him the opportunity to learn and to give back to the local community.

After he crosses the stage and receives his diploma in May, he’ll leave for a year to attend Imperial College London to continue his education and research as a Marshall Scholar. As he wraps up his time in the Stamps Program, he advises future Stamps President’s Scholars to use the opportunity to benefit their community.

“To be where I am today is an immense blessing. The majority of the world doesn’t have that privilege,” said Jilani. “To have this blessing — there’s a lot that you can do with it. Every day you get out of bed is an opportunity to do good and help someone. You can build towards something so that at the end of your life, you have a legacy that benefits those that come after you.”

You have the opportunity to extend assistance to an even greater number of students. Your philanthropic backing for scholarships and fellowships enables Georgia Tech to attract and nurture the most brilliant and talented individuals, both locally and globally. Make a meaningful impact today.

Follow Stamps President’s Scholars on Instagram to see the latest accomplishments of scholars.

Highlighting Arts at Tech with Georgia Tech Creatives

Georgia Tech students Lekha Gowda and Akbar Khan spotlight the artistic side of Tech students with on-campus organization Georgia Tech Creatives (GTC). The organization hosts art workshops, demonstrations, thrift markets, and other events for Tech students to enjoy.

Akbar, Lekha, and another student pose for a photo while sitting on a stone wall adjacent to Tech Green.
Akbar Khan (left) and Lekha Gowda (center) with another GTC member at a GTC Paint and Sit event. Image Courtesy of Georgia Tech Creatives, @gtcreatives on Instagram.

In tandem with Georgia Tech Arts and other campus resources, Georgia Tech Creatives (GTC) founders Lekha Gowda and Akbar Khan encourage Tech students to fully embrace their creative side. While Tech students are known as leaders in technology and innovation, GTC emphasizes how the arts complement the two concepts by allowing students to explore and expand their interests.

The initial idea for the club came during a photoshoot. Fourth-year architecture major Khan was honing his photography skills, and fourth-year business administration major Gowda was exploring her interest in modeling. The more they talked during the process, the more they realized the need for a creative space on campus.

“We’d both been struggling to meet other creatives here,” said Gowda. “We realized we knew of a lot of creative people at Tech, but it was hard for us to meet one another because there wasn’t an effective, dedicated space for us to connect.”

Thus, the foundations of GTC were set. Initially, Gowda and Khan aimed to host an on-campus market for artists to connect and sell their work. It was during the planning process they realized having a dedicated community would be even more beneficial.

“We realized it was a pretty big task to bring all these people together. It would make more sense if we created the community and then built the events around that,” said Gowda.

Since Fall 2022, when the club started, their executive team has grown to 12 students, all of whom started off coming to meetings, and stayed due to their shared appreciated for the GTC mission. Gowda, Khan, and their team have grown GTC to nearly 3,000 followers on Instagram and have hosted dozens of events on Tech’s campus, with some events bringing out over 400 students. For them, the fast rise of the club is a testament to the community and the intersection of creativity and technology within Tech students.

“You can find 20 different ways to code something to produce the same output, so I think that the narrative of saying engineering or coding isn’t creative is limiting,” said Gowda. “So many students here have convinced themselves that they can’t be artistic because they’re in STEM. But, if they integrate both, they can improve their craft even more.”

An intentional part of the design of GTC is that there’s no membership fee to join. Without a fee to participate, people who don’t typically find themselves leaning into their artistic side can show up and learn something new. For both Gowda and Khan, growing not only participation in the art scene but art appreciation among the student body is a key mission of the club.

Khan’s advice for prospective students is to keep in mind that Tech has many artistic resources. When he first came to Tech, he had no idea there was an arts department or a full-blown recording studio in the School of Music. Through GTC, they’ve built some awareness around these parts of Tech, but Khan wants prospective students to know about them too.

In addition, Gowda and Khan both encourage prospective students to hold on to their artistic outlet as they continue their education.

“For students considering Tech, I think it’s important to know that your artistic side doesn’t need to die out. We want to support you in doing the opposite. You can create and still pursue your degree,” said Khan. “It’s all about balancing and finding ways for the arts to plug in to your major, too.”

What’s in a Promise?

For Cameron Barnett, the G. Wayne Clough Tech Promise Program was likely the only way she could attend Georgia Tech. Now freshly graduated with a debt-free degree, she reflects on her time at Tech and mentor relationship with professor and Tech Promise donor Bill Todd.

Cameron Barnett poses with Buzz
Cameron Barnett poses for a photo with Buzz.

When Bill Todd, Professor of the Practice in the Scheller College of Business at Georgia Tech, first met Cameron Barnett, she was another student in Todd’s open office hours — discussing class, life, and everything in between.

At some point, the G. Wayne Clough Tech Promise Program — which provides a debt-free degree experience at Tech — came up in conversation. Todd, a proud advocate and donor to the program, was discussing his involvement and hopes for the scholarship. Little did he know, Barnett herself was a Tech Promise recipient.

Upon hearing Todd’s words about the scholarship and his personal support, Barnett began to cry.

“Tech Promise changed my life,” Barnett said. “It’s probably the only reason I was able to come to Tech.”

A 6-year-old Barnett was sold on attending Tech following a conversation with her mom discussing the rigor and prestige of the Institute compared to other universities in the state. From then on, Barnett describes her drive to attend Tech as a passion.

However, as the eldest of seven and unable to take out loans, Barnett knew that paying for college was a non-starter without meaningful financial help from the Institute.

Professor Bill Todd

As she researched scholarships to decide whether she could make her Tech dream a reality, she discovered the Tech Promise program. When she was admitted to Tech, she was not initially given the scholarship, but she contacted the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid to explain her situation. Afterward, the office allotted her a space in the program.

Todd and Barnett have maintained a close mentorship since their initial meeting. When asked to describe Barnett, Todd is quick to describe her wit in class, her perseverance, and her sense of gratitude. Gratitude, in particular, is something Todd finds most compelling about Tech Promise and the value it brings out on campus.

“The culture that created Tech Promise didn’t come out of thin air,” said Todd. “We have a culture of appreciation, a culture of gratitude that makes it possible for us to support students in this way.”

Barnett graduated in December 2023 with a degree in business administration. Among her favorite classes were Todd’s as well as one where she served as a business consultant for the Campus Recreation Center, developing a plan for improvement to boost student engagement and functionality of the center. In Todd’s classes, she enjoyed writing case studies evaluating certain business aspects of healthcare systems.

Now, Barnett is taking a gap year from school to prepare for the LSAT and apply for law school while also working as a project manager at Koch Industries. Reflecting on her time at Tech, she describes it as transformative.

“I love to learn, so being able to do that at the level of Georgia Tech was exciting for me,” said Barnett. “Tech challenged me, and I really enjoyed that. I was never bored, and there was always something meaningful to contribute to.”

Barnett joins over 1,000 Tech Promise scholars who have graduated from the Institute without taking on any debt. Not only does it provide a debt-free education, but in Todd’s experience, it also reshapes the entire system of a Tech Promise recipient’s community.

“Every Tech Promise student that we fund is another step forward,” said Todd. “And it’s not just that student who is affected by the scholarship – it’s their entire ecosystem. Their family, their friends, their church, their community. Suddenly, it makes a college education a possibility where it historically has not been, for more than just the student receiving the Promise.”

Philanthropic support for scholarships and fellowships makes it possible for Georgia Tech to recruit the brightest, most talented students from around our state and around the world. Support students today.

Inaugural Val-Sal Scholars Share Their Journey to Georgia Tech

The 2023-24 academic year marked the first time the Georgia Tech Val-Sal Scholarship, a scholarship for eligible Georgia high school valedictorians and salutatorians, was awarded at Tech. Offered to 25 students for the inaugural year, the scholarship covers up to $5,000 a semester for those who may not be able to attend the Institute otherwise. Two Scholars reflect on their time at Tech so far and what brought them here. 

Dayleigh Mims poses for a photo with Buzz
Dayleigh Mims (right) is a first-year Val-Sal Scholar studying civil engineering.

Despite her love of engineering, Dayleigh Mims did not originally see Georgia Tech as an option for her college career. Believing it to be too competitive, she wasn’t sure if she would get accepted. Not only did she get accepted, but she received multiple scholarship offers – one being the Georgia Tech Val-Sal Scholarship – which made her dream of Tech all the more accessible.  

“I didn’t initially have my sights set on it,” she said. “But I spoke to a friend, and he told me not to limit myself and go for it. Obviously, I’m glad that I listened.” 

Mims has always loved math. After moving to Lamar County High School from Stockbridge, Georgia, she found herself outpacing the math courses available. This ultimately led to her involvement in her high school’s gifted internship pathway, where she worked for the math department and then the school counselor. 

The counselor assigned her career readiness work, where Mims found engineering as a suitable outlet for her enjoyment of math. After realizing this, her counselor assigned Mims a project — analyzing the bridges in Lamar County. The project confirmed that engineering was the right path for Mims. 

Now, as Mims moves in to her second semester at Tech, she’s finding her path and adjusting to college life. Mims looks forward to getting involved in more classes directly linked to her major. 

Azaniah poses for a photo
Azaniah Blackmon is a first-year Val-Sal Scholar studying mechanical engineering.

In high school, Azaniah Blackmon wasn’t sure where his next steps would take him. As he started his college planning, his parents were the first to suggest Georgia Tech to fit his engineering aspirations. Blackmon was quick to get on board given that he could study his passion at an elite institution while sticking close to home.  

He applied, and received the Val-Sal Scholarship, confirming that Tech was the right choice. Since coming to campus in the fall, he’s enjoyed the opportunity to learn at an elite level while being close enough for his family to make the occasional visit. 

When it came time to make a decision about which branch of engineering to pursue, Blackmon was stuck between mechanical and civil engineering. After some thought and time on campus last fall semester, mechanical engineering ultimately won out. 

“I saw myself going further in that field,” he said. “I went to the career fair just to see what was out there in both fields and felt like there were a lot of directions to go within mechanical engineering.” 

Blackmon spent last semester adjusting to the new types of coursework and exploring his interests. Chemistry was his favorite class of his fall semester, though he looks forward to getting involved with more major-specific courses as he builds his expertise. 

Philanthropic support for scholarships like the Val-Sal Scholarship makes it possible for Georgia Tech to recruit the brightest, most talented students from around our state and around the world. Support students today. 

Financial Aid Executive Director Finalists to Visit Campus, Deliver Presentations 

Four finalists have been identified in the search for the next executive director of the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid at Georgia Tech. 

As part of the final evaluation process, each candidate will visit the campus in the coming weeks to deliver a presentation to outline their vision for advancing the Institute’s strategic goals as they relate to financial aid and scholarships.  

These presentations are open to all members of the campus community, including students, faculty, and staff. 

The presentations are scheduled to take place from 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. in Clary Theater in the Bill Moore Student Success Center. Those attending in person do not need to register in advance. Online registration is provided through the links below:

Co-chaired by Chaffee Viets, director of the Office of Special Scholarships, and Mary Tipton Woolley, the interim executive director for the Office of Undergraduate Admission, the search committee is dedicated to finding the ideal candidate for the executive director position. Participation and engagement in this important process is appreciated. 

Applications Open for Campus Tour Guides

Applications for Summer and Fall 2024 tour guides will close at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 26, 2024.

A tour guide speaks in front of a crowd

Georgia Tech is now accepting applications for campus tour guides for Summer and Fall 2024. Georgia Tech campus tour guides are current students who provide prospective students and their families with an informative and engaging visit around campus.

Applications for Summer and Fall 2024 tour guides will close at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 26, 2024. The Summer 2024 application can be found here, and the Fall 2024 application can be found here.

Being a campus tour guide allows students to develop or refine their communication skills, as well as meet other enthusiastic students. Thirty slots are available for both summer and fall. For prospective students, a campus visit helps them get a feel for whether the Institute is a good fit for them.

“Not only does a visit provide a more in-depth look, but students can also learn more and connect virtually as well,” said Tera McDonald, assistant director for Campus Visits in Undergraduate Admission. “In-person tours provide students the opportunity to connect with current students and faculty and learn more about the campus culture, community and environment.”

Register for a campus tour here.

Talking Tradition: Driving the Wreck at Georgia Tech

Each year, Georgia Tech’s Ramblin’ Wreck is driven by a single student to all its appearances. This year’s driver, Matthew Kistner, reflects on the Wreck and the Institute’s unique take on traditions.

Editor’s Note: The Ramblin’ Reck Club has used the spelling “Reck” to refer to the car since its inception. However, the Institute uses “Ramblin’ Wreck” and holds a trademark on this spelling. 

A beloved symbol of tradition since 1961, many Georgia Tech students are quick to smile when they hear the rumble of the Ramblin’ Wreck’s engine or the shrill beep of the horn on campus. While the 1930 Ford Model A Sport Coupe is best known for leading the football team onto the field, the car is often spotted around the college grounds, attending events or otherwise bringing cheer to the student body. 

Matthew Kistner stands with the Ramblin' Wreck, a gold and white 1930 Model A sport coupe

In the opinion of third-year computer science student Matthew Kistner, the Wreck is the perfect symbol of how tradition at Tech goes beyond what can be found anywhere else.  

“We have a lot of things that are really out there,” explained Kistner. “And that just means we’re fostering something really special for students to pass down.” 

Kistner himself gets to play a unique role when it comes to the Wreck – starting in January, he began his yearlong term as sole driver. As such, Kistner is the only person who can drive the Wreck from point A to point B: football games, campus events, weddings, and beyond. 

The Wreck has been driven by an elected member of the Ramblin’ Reck Club, a student organization devoted to spirit and tradition at Tech, each year since 1968. Along with driving, Kistner is also responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the vehicle. Though he’s early in his tenure, he’s already completed several grease changes and an oil change.  

Kistner stands underneath the Ramblin' Wreck, which is on a lift, to perform a grease change.
Kistner changing the grease on the Wreck. Image courtesy of Matthew Kistner.

For him, having such a role in one of Tech’s most recognized traditions is an honor. Kistner has long described himself as spirited, and knew that finding a university where he could express that spirit was a priority in his college search. After researching Georgia Tech and finding the Ramblin’ Reck Club, which also plans yearly traditions such as the Mini 500, the Freshman Cake Race, and the homecoming Ramblin’ Wreck Parade, Kistner knew Tech was the right place for him. 

“This club played a huge part in how I ended up here,” said Kistner. “The Reck Club gets a ton of opportunities when it comes to getting directly involved with Georgia Tech sports and student life. I got on campus my first year and immediately was looking for this club.” 

In 2022, Kistner’s first year in the organization, he told then Wreck driver Evalyn Edwards that driving the Wreck was eventually what he wanted to do. Now, two years later, it’s his reality. 

Though much of the car remains the same as when it came to Tech, a few pieces change with each driver. The flags on the front, which read “to Hell With Georgia” and “Give ‘em Hell Tech,” are given to the driver as keepsakes at the end of their year, as are the step plates and radiator cap. The radiator cap traditionally takes the mold of a quail, though drivers may choose whatever animal they like.  

“I thought about picking a frog actually,” Kistner said. “But the quail is traditional, and I wanted to stick with that.” 

Tradition plays an important role in life at Tech. From receiving and filling out RAT caps at new student Convocation, to leaving offerings at the grave of Sideways the dog for good luck, and the Whistle sounding off throughout each day to signify class ending, the day-to-day for Tech students often features some homage to the school’s deep history.  

For students coming to Tech in the future, Kistner’s advice is to embrace it. On top of that, finding ways to get involved is key. 

“There’s a common misconception that Tech isn’t a very social school,” said Kistner. “People that want to get involved in social clubs can and should. Sign up for as many things as you want – you can always drop things later.” 

The Ramblin’ Reck Club recruits each spring semester. View a full list of registered student organizations and learn more about tradition at Tech.